
of companies think that their business approach is truly different from that of their competitors.

Only 3%

of sales prospects confirm this.

These figures are especially true because many companies have the habit of recruiting new salespeople from their competitors, which results in no real difference being effectively shown.

Our approach to BtoB sales training is to train each person to be the best at making hundreds of details, with the result that the salesperson will be the living embodiment of a difference that is real and perceived as such.

Commercial productivity

Because an average of 8 to 9 cold calls are required to contact a prospect on the phone, the sales conquest is above all a question of quantity and productivity. Each prospecting activity covered in the training is carried out in an optimal manner and according to 3 criteria:

  1. The right time of the week
  2. The right quantity
  3. The right result

Flexibility and speed

Today there is no longer any difference between a major-account salesperson and one from a VSB/SMB. The one who closes the deal is not necessarily the one who has the most assets (notoriety, size, customer references) but the one who is most flexible and resourceful when faced with a decision-maker who is very much in demand.

Introduction of bootcamps

Selling to purchasers or decision-makers often better-prepared than the salespeople facing them is a real competition. Our logic is not to repeat to your salespeople what they already know, but to make them take part in a veritable training camp (Bootcamp) where they will be mobilized, enabled, and pushed to give the best of themselves as part of a group sharing the same experience. Over 50 different training exercises are tackled to be faster, more impactful, more relaxed, more independent, more creative etc.


Practical and demanding sales trainers

Banal or even turnover-destroying ideas automatically come from sales teams that have been insufficiently observed and debriefed on their sales practices when facing the prospect. We train your sales managers to coach your salespeople to apply the techniques that sell, correct every little detail and push each individual to give the best of him or herself.

Discover our others sales training:    Retail sales training      Sales management training

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