During challenging economic times, when increasing your sales should be a top priority, you try to provide your retail sales force with effective training. Here, one thing is certain: discovering your customers’ needs is crucial. I would go so far as to say it’s an issue that knows no borders. And yet, and I’m very sorry to have to say this, the lack of curiosity in salespersons nowadays is cause for serious concern. Keep reading
I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know if I say that a business can only survive and grow if its client base increases. Yes, you do already have your existing clientele, to whom you must continue selling your products or services. But the strength of your brand, of your business, and its ability to go on, lie in your ability to acquire those new customers. You know, of course, that your current customers might disappear, and that this why you have to renew your client base. However, you aren’t providing yourself with the means to achieve this. Let me explain. Keep reading