CANAL+, a French national general private television channel with contract-based payment and a focus on cinema and sport, faces a hyper-competitive environment concerning both offer and pricing with the arrival of new television and Internet players. CANAL+ has understood the need to renew their message and innovate on their sales methods to strengthen their presence among their network of distributors.

The challenges

Most of the CANAL+ distributors face performance downturns related to a sluggish economic climate or business models in need of change.

The CANAL+ commercial team is increasingly confronted with distributors for whom CANAL+ is no longer a priority among their set of products. The negotiations are more tense and commitments more difficult to apply on a daily basis.

The N°1 goal is not to sell CANAL+ but to help each distributor to reinforce their sales and sales hosting competences to ensure that each seller will systematically propose the CANAL+ offer at each television, PC, tablet or smartphone sale.


A real break both in style and substance where sales training is concerned:


a CANAL+ sales reference adapted to the limitations of stores (very short customer contact time, small team, rise and fall in client flows).


distributor commitment by training sellers and store supervisors in a real situation in the store, to sell their products and CANAL+ more and better.


new action models to the CANAL+ commercial team in the areas of SELL- OUT sales, KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT and COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT.

Making CANAL+ autonomous

by introducing an internal taskforce capable of training the 8 000 sales assistants of the distributors with DARDELIN CONSEILS training technology.


by helping CANAL+ to introduce and forming their new chain of POP-UP STORES.


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